Another group of operations is used to make mixed-mode arithmetic more convenient, and permit conversions between fixed-point and floating-point data types. The source operand to an instruction prefixed with this is of a fixed-point type, while the destination operand is of a floating-point type. The store instructions permit floating to fixed conversions; the load instructions permit fixed to floating conversions, and the add, subtract, multiply, and divide instructions perform arithmetic involving fixed-point and floating-point quantities yielding a floating-point result:
001400 102xxx LMB 001400 112xxx LFB 001400 122xxx LDB 001400 132xxx LQB 001400 103xxx STMB 001400 113xxx STFB 001400 123xxx STDB 001400 133xxx STQB 001400 104xxx AMB 001400 114xxx AFB 001400 124xxx ADB 001400 134xxx AQB 001400 105xxx SMB 001400 115xxx SFB 001400 125xxx SDB 001400 135xxx SQB 001400 106xxx MMB 001400 116xxx MFB 001400 126xxx MDB 001400 136xxx MQB 001400 107xxx DMB 001400 117xxx DFB 001400 127xxx DDB 001400 137xxx DQB 001500 102xxx LMH 001500 112xxx LFH 001500 122xxx LDH 001500 132xxx LQH 001500 103xxx STMH 001500 113xxx STFH 001500 123xxx STDH 001500 133xxx STQH 001500 104xxx AMH 001500 114xxx AFH 001500 124xxx ADH 001500 134xxx AQH 001500 105xxx SMH 001500 115xxx SFH 001500 125xxx SDH 001500 135xxx SQH 001500 106xxx MMH 001500 116xxx MFH 001500 126xxx MDH 001500 136xxx MQH 001500 107xxx DMH 001500 117xxx DFH 001500 127xxx DDH 001500 137xxx DQH 001600 102xxx LMI 001600 112xxx LFI 001600 122xxx LDI 001600 132xxx LQI 001600 103xxx STMI 001600 113xxx STFI 001600 123xxx STDI 001600 133xxx STQI 001600 104xxx AMI 001600 114xxx AFI 001600 124xxx ADI 001600 134xxx AQI 001600 105xxx SMI 001600 115xxx SFI 001600 125xxx SDI 001600 135xxx SQI 001600 106xxx MMI 001600 116xxx MFI 001600 126xxx MDI 001600 136xxx MQI 001600 107xxx DMI 001600 117xxx DFI 001600 127xxx DDI 001600 137xxx DQI 001700 102xxx LML 001700 112xxx LFL 001700 122xxx LDL 001700 132xxx LQL 001700 103xxx STML 001700 113xxx STFL 001700 123xxx STDL 001700 133xxx STQL 001700 104xxx AML 001700 114xxx AFL 001700 124xxx ADL 001700 134xxx AQL 001700 105xxx SML 001700 115xxx SFL 001700 125xxx SDL 001700 135xxx SQL 001700 106xxx MML 001700 116xxx MFL 001700 126xxx MDL 001700 136xxx MQL 001700 107xxx DML 001700 117xxx DFL 001700 127xxx DDL 001700 137xxx DQL
These instructions are available as shown from Normal Mode and Compact Mode. In Simple Mode, the prefixes 001400, 001500, 001600 and 001700 become 114000, 115000, 116000 and 117000 respectively.