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An Ordinary Variant

On this page, an enlarged variant of Chess is proposed that attempts to add quite a bit to the complexity of the game for the amount that it enlarges the board.

The board is enlarged to ten ranks and twelve files.

The Rules

Each player has three rows of pieces. The third row from the back contains only four pieces, which, for want of a more appropriate name, I will simply call Checkers, although their move is not quite that of a piece in that game.

Their arrangement, as seen in the diagram, is

-- Ch -- -- Ch -- -- Ch -- -- Ch --

where an empty square, whether white or black, is represented by two dashes.

It may be noted that even with the limitations noted above, the compulsory nature of capturing a Checker provides that piece with an immense power, since it can break up Pawn formations.

The second rank from the back contains twelve Pawns. Despite the enlarged board, on their first move they only have the privilege of moving two squares forwards, subject to en passant capture, not three. In this game, a Pawn may be taken en passant by one of the opponent's Checkers as well as by one of the opponent's Pawns; the Checker would jump over the intervening square the Pawn passed through on its two-square move, to an empty space beyond, and capture the Pawn that way.

The back rank contains the array:

Rook, Knight, Bishop, Tiger, Queen, Man, Leo, King, Tiger, Bishop, Knight, Rook.

Games are scored by means of Dynamic Scoring, allowing a partial win by stalemate, bare king, or perpetual check.

Further Notes

Note that the extensions of either Spectral Realm Chess or Antimatter Universe Chess can be combined with it as they can to ordinary Chess.

In the case of the Checker, there are some important considerations which apply to its move. In the case of Spectral Realm Chess, a Checker can move a half-step diagonally to enter the alternate board, or make a jump of two diagonal half-steps to move one square diagonally on one board, capturing the intervening piece on the other board. In the case of Antimatter Universe Chess, a Checker also can move one square diagonally on one board, capturing the piece on the intervening square on the other board, but this is now a move, rather than a jump, and so multiple steps of this type in a single move are not possible.

Note also that, in Spectral Realm Chess, a series of multiple jumps must all be made in either the normal board of squares, the normal board of points, or the compound board. However, a series of jumps may mix orthogonal and diagonal jumps, and an orthogonal jump on either normal board is also a diagonal jump on the compound board, therefore, orthogonal jumps on one normal board may be mixed with either diagonal half-step jumps, which are orthogonal jumps on the compound board, or with diagonal jumps on that normal board, but not both.

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