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Simple Mode

Another mode of operation provided is Simple Mode, in which the opcode space for the regular memory-reference instructions is not compressed by taking advantage of the bits left unused when only aligned operands are present.

shows how certain basic operate instructions and the 16-bit shift instructions combine with the standard register-to-register and memory-reference instructions in the organization of this mode.

The jump instructions and related operate instructions that start with 111 in Normal Mode start with 000 in this mode, and thus they are fully available.

The opcode is divided into two parts: the first part indicates the type of number the instruction works with:

0100  Medium          48-bit floating-point
0101  Floating        32-bit floating-point
0110  Double          64-bit floating-point
0111  Quad           128-bit floating-point
100   Byte             8-bit integer
101   Halfword        16-bit integer
110   Integer         32-bit integer
111   Long            64-bit integer

and the second part indicates the operation performed by the instruction:

0000   000  Swap
0001   001  Compare
0010   010  Load
0011   011  Store
0100   100  Add
0101   101  Subtract
0110   110  Multiply
0111   111  Divide
1000        Insert
1001        Unsigned Compare
1010        Unsigned Load
1011        XOR
1100        AND
1101        OR
1110        Multiply Extensibly
1111        Divide Extensibly

The first eight operations apply both to floating-point numbers and integers; the second eight operations apply only to integers.

Incidentally, the sequence of types differs from that in the original design, where the integer types came first, and their opcodes started from zero. In this way, the opcodes for the 16-bit shift instructions, and other instructions associated with them, remain constant across all modes. As included among those instructions is that for changing modes, this makes it possible for programs to start from an unknown mode and set the mode they require.

Integer operations working with long, or 64-bit integers, have as their destination a pair of registers, beginning with an even-numbered register. The location of an operand in memory can begin with any byte, as addresses are byte addresses, but there may be a performance penalty if an operand is fetched from an unaligned location. In the case of floating-point numbers of the medium type, 48 bits in length, an aligned operand is one that begins on the boundary of a unit of 16 bits; for other types, an aligned operand is one whose address is an integer multiple of its length in bytes, so that all memory could be evenly divided into units of that length with no bytes left over at the beginning or the end. Note that it may be attempted by an implementation to fetch more than 16 bits of a medium floating-point number in a single operation, in which case a performance penalty may be experienced on aligned operands on this type which cross a block boundary; the rules for this would be both more complicated and implementation-dependent.

For integers shorter than 32 bits, the insert and unsigned load instructions are used as possible alternatives to the load instruction. The difference between the three instructions is as follows:

The load instruction performs sign extension. A quantity loaded into a 32-bit register is loaded into its rightmost, or least significant, bits, and the first bit of that quantity is also used as the value to which to set all the bits to the left of those filled by the quantity. This ensures that a negative number represented in a variable occupying less than 32 bits of memory is converted to the same negative number in 32-bit form.

The unsigned load instruction fills the bits to the left of the number with zeroes. This allows using variables to represent positive numbers only, and recovering the use of the first bit to allow larger positive numbers to be represented.

The insert instruction does not alter the bits to the left of the number. This allows a 32-bit number to be built up out of smaller pieces.

Other instructions that may need some explanation are as follows:

The compare instruction sets certain status bits in the same way that an ideal subtraction would set them. That is, the status bits indicate "negative" if the destination is less than the source, "zero" if they are equal, and "positive" if the destination is larger than the source, even if performing an actual subtraction for the same argument type would result in an overflow.

The unsigned compare instruction treats its operands as unsigned numbers, since this makes a difference in what the result of a comparison would be, even though two's complement representation means that a subtraction produces the same resulting pattern of bits in both cases.

The multiply extensibly instruction has a destination which is as long as the source on entry, but twice as long as its source on exit. This means that it produces a double-length product of two values, allowing it to be used in performing multi-precision arithmetic.

The divide extensibly instruction has a destination which is twice as long as the source on entry, and which consists of two consecutive registers, or groups of registers, the first twice as long as the source, and the second as long as the source, on exit. It divides the destination by the source, and places the quotient in the first part of the destination, while leaving the remainder in the second, shorter, part of the destination.

Note that because not only the dividend, but also the quotient, is twice as long as the divisor and the remainder with this instruction, the condition known as a "divide check", where a large dividend and a small divisor results in a quotient that will not fit into the result field on exit cannot occur.

The other instructions are self-explanatory.

The swap instruction exchanges the contents of the source and destination.

Add, subtract, multiply, and divide perform the indicated operation, producing results of the same type as their operands.

AND, OR, and XOR perform the basic logical operations:

 a  b    a AND b    a OR b    a XOR b
 0  0       0         0          0
 0  1       0         1          1
 1  0       0         1          1
 1  1       1         1          0

in a bitwise fashion on their operands, storing the result in the destination.

A store instruction takes the value at the location specified by the destination field, and stores it at the location specified by the source field. By reversing the normal uses of destination and source, it allows values in registers to be written back out to memory.

Not all the possible combinations of the bits shown above are valid instructions. The Insert and Unsigned Load instructions only apply to byte and halfword operands. Also, Multiplication and division are not provided for byte operands. Instead, the instruction that would have been Divide Extensibly Byte is Store if Greater Byte: this instruction compares the destination byte (which is in a register) to the source byte (which may be in memory), and if the source byte is less than the destination byte, the byte at the destination is copied to the source location, overwriting its contents. This specialized instruction is used to allow semaphores to be used to control the sharing of resources between processes.

Thus, the seven bit opcodes that are defined are as follows, when their mnemonics are shown in a compact tabular form:

                         0100  0101  0110  0111
                         SWM   SWF   SWD   SWQ   000
                         CM    CF    CD    CQ    001
                         LM    LF    LD    LQ    010
                         STM   STF   STD   STQ   011
                         AM    AF    AD    AQ    100
                         SM    SF    SD    SQ    101
                         MM    MF    MD    MQ    110
                         DM    DF    DD    DQ    111

 1000  1001  1010  1011  1100  1101  1110  1111
 SWB   IB    SWH   IH    SW          SWL         000
 CB    UCB   CH    UCH   C     UC    CL    UCL   001
 LB    ULB   LH    ULH   L           LL          010
 STB   XB    STH   XH    ST    X     STL   XL    011
 AB    NB    AH    NH    A     N     AL    NL    100
 SB    OB    SH    OH    S     O     SL    OL    101
             MH    MEH   M     ME    ML    MEL   110
       STGB  DH    DEH   D     DE    DL    DEL   111

and listed in full, they are:

040xxx  SWM   Swap Medium
041xxx  CM    Compare Medium
042xxx  LM    Load Medium
043xxx  STM   Store Medium
044xxx  AM    Add Medium
045xxx  SM    Subtract Medium
046xxx  MM    Multiply Medium
047xxx  DM    Divide Medium

050xxx  SWF   Swap Floating
051xxx  CF    Compare Floating
052xxx  LF    Load Floating
053xxx  STF   Store Floating
054xxx  AF    Add Floating
055xxx  SF    Subtract Floating
056xxx  MF    Multiply Floating
057xxx  DF    Divide Floating

060xxx  SWD   Swap Double
061xxx  CD    Compare Double
062xxx  LD    Load Double
063xxx  STD   Store Double
064xxx  AD    Add Double
065xxx  SD    Subtract Double
066xxx  MD    Multiply Double
067xxx  DD    Divide Double

070xxx  SWQ   Swap Quad
071xxx  CQ    Compare Quad
072xxx  LQ    Load Quad
073xxx  STQ   Store Quad
074xxx  AQ    Add Quad
075xxx  SQ    Subtract Quad
076xxx  MQ    Multiply Quad
077xxx  DQ    Divide Quad

100xxx  SWB   Swap Byte
101xxx  CB    Compare Byte
102xxx  LB    Load Byte
103xxx  STB   Store Byte
104xxx  AB    Add Byte
105xxx  SB    Subtract Byte

110xxx  IB    Insert Byte
111xxx  UCB   Unsigned Compare Byte
112xxx  ULB   Unsigned Load Byte
113xxx  XB    XOR Byte
114xxx  NB    AND Byte
115xxx  OB    OR Byte

117xxx  STGB  Store if Greater Byte

120xxx  SWH   Swap Halfword
121xxx  CH    Compare Halfword
122xxx  LH    Load Halfword
123xxx  STH   Store Halfword
124xxx  AH    Add Halfword
125xxx  SH    Subtract Halfword
126xxx  MH    Multiply Halfword
127xxx  DH    Divide Halfword

130xxx  IH    Insert Halfword
131xxx  UCH   Unsigned Compare Halfword
132xxx  ULH   Unsigned Load Halfword
133xxx  XH    XOR Halfword
134xxx  NH    AND Halfword
135xxx  OH    OR Halfword
136xxx  MEH   Multiply Extensibly Halfword
137xxx  DEH   Divide Extensibly Halfword

140xxx  SW    Swap
141xxx  C     Compare
142xxx  L     Load
143xxx  ST    Store
144xxx  A     Add
145xxx  S     Subtract
146xxx  M     Multiply
147xxx  D     Divide

151xxx  UC    Unsigned Compare

153xxx  X     XOR
154xxx  N     AND
155xxx  O     OR
156xxx  ME    Multiply Extensibly
157xxx  DE    Divide Extensibly

160xxx  SWL   Swap Long
161xxx  CL    Compare Long
162xxx  LL    Load Long
163xxx  STL   Store Long
164xxx  AL    Add Long
165xxx  SL    Subtract Long
166xxx  ML    Multiply Long
167xxx  DL    Divide Long

171xxx  UCL   Unsigned Compare Long

173xxx  XL    XOR Long
174xxx  NL    AND Long
175xxx  OL    OR Long
176xxx  MEL   Multiply Extensibly Long
177xxx  DEL   Divide Extensibly Long

Note that when the base register field of an instruction is zero, this indicates that the instruction specifies an operation between two registers rather than an operation involving memory, and, for instructions that refer to memory, when the index register field of an instruction is zero, indexing does not take place.

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